Saturday, November 04, 2006

Once a kid, always a kid?

At least for me

Yesterday was somewhat memorable for many things, however I will just point one.
I still see it as a good thing, but what would you guys say?
Shopping at Walmart, after finding out I'm joined by 20 year old grad students ,undergrad age but still really nice people, I'm handed out a children's book as she says "For you"

An undergrad age handing ME a children book.

I can not help but feel flattered :P, I like to keep a child spirit, though I accept I sometimes just go into childish behavior and I don't know where to stop.
So, when have I gone too far?
Is there really a time where I should stop wearing the SUNRISE T-shirts and go with the neck and tie outfit?

EWW, I hope not.


A Fly on the Wall said...

Hmm, I am confused. why did he/she give you a childrens book? and which one was it? :-P

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Cause she allready knows me enough to know I'm a child.

I don't remember the book, it had figures that just pop=out of it.

Anonymous said...

OMG You are so cute in this photo.