Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm the king of the world

Bold statement from a low level druid, but , you know it was according to the pic :P.

I'll post more about it later, I just want the tension to build up :P


styx said...

huh? your friend in gradschool (the other character in the screen) finally introduced you to the free trial or something?? When is she going to introduce Gelareh and me to this!! :)

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

NOOOOO, thats the worst part, she plays alliance and she is always busy with her guild. I'm playing alone :(

But I think I might convince her to refer to you too guys.

Would Gelareh really be interested in it?

A Fly on the Wall said...

oh wow! a girl introduced you to WoW?!! :-D