Thursday, November 30, 2006

About my thanksgiving

It was just at my boss's house. Whith his family a friend of him from Argentina, and the two parentless graduate students :(
TONS OF FOOD, and overall a nice night. It is really a shame that my boss's lab is so disorganized, otherwise I would know what lab I would pick... oh and if he change the arrogant grad student he has now :P

Saturday, November 25, 2006

There is no console war

I've realized this while looking for apartments for next year.
Several places we saw had a PS2 AND Xbox in their houses (there was one GC in a girls house :P actually with an old nintendo). I don't know how they do it, I don't even have a TV to plug it in, but there is no war, everyone except us is getting every console.
I think the console war is just another marketing thing. But not sure, I can not see enough TV cause I don't have one :(

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We3 Now in my top 10

Which, I don't really even have 10 beloved comics... more like 4 or 5... but anyways. Now We3 is definetly on my favorite comicbook list. It has the animal=good, humans=bad of my favorite quote "Mientras más conozco a la gente, más quiero a mi perro". It is really short, specially since several parts of the story are just told by images, no dialogues whatsoever, and obviously animal dialogues are short, and extremely nice.
It is quite graphic, showing a lot of violence on several panels, so not for the weak stomach people.

I found this long interview whith Morrison about it. Guess I might have to buy animal man now.

ANIMALS protecting each other.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

So that everybody can say my name

This is the correct pronunciation of my name :D
So, no excuses... unless you don't know IPA - International Phonetics
Alphabet :P
So, if you don't you can learn some of its meaning here

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Just wasting some more time

My trial account ended so today its back to procrastinating with web surfing. So bored today I went back to this tests.


You scored 75 Bosonic, 60 Momentum, and 47 Reactivity!

You are the pion, the key particle in keeping the nucleus of an atom
together. While your strong drive and intuition helps you take orders
from the gluon, and help to cement the relationships between protons
and neutrons. You complete projects that you start and willingly follow
directions which make you a great team player. While you may not have
the passion to become a leader, you are a very valuable asset to any
society, as your imagination and intuition help form the cement that
keeps organizations together. Just be remember to assert your own voice
now and then.

Is this description not accurate? Since this is my first
test please let me know. I will gladly take any advice to make this
test more accurate.

Other Categories








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You scored higher than 7% on Reactivity

Link: The Which Subatomic Particle are U Test written by tachyonman on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

well... back to updating the lab notebook


PS3 launch madness

You guys might already seen this

I'm just glad stynky is the one getting the PS3 so that I don't have to go through THAT

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Howling Night

Since I first learned about the wolf park when I visited Purdue for the interviews, I've been wanting to go there.
When the semester started however, some people told me how disappointed they were about it :( Still, there were wolves and no matter what it should be fun for me.
So, luckily a group on my residence hall decided to go on Howling night, for which I obviously sign up, and thus finally get to see the wolf.

True true, the park is nothing big, I didn't get to see coyotes, and the wolf part was nothing extraordinary.

However I got to hear them HOWL. Which was totally worth the trip and the rain that fell after.

The videos I uploaded are but a small treat, far from the true experience.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Don't remember exactly, but somehow a protein protein interaction turn into superheroes movies and at some point my current boss accepts how he got to read comic books again when someone lend him "The dark knight returns".

He then comment on how dark it was, so I obviously I commented about true dark visions of Batman like Arkham Asylum, and turned out he had read it also.

Still he didn't knew who exactly was Dave Mckean but it was pretty impressive nonetheless.

Have I found my future lab?
Can I ignore how his funding is still uncertain, as its a new lab, or how disorganized it is that I can not find a proper protocol for what we do, and just join because...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm the king of the world

Bold statement from a low level druid, but , you know it was according to the pic :P.

I'll post more about it later, I just want the tension to build up :P

Monday, November 06, 2006


OK, shape getting better, still flavor far from its true taste.

But, now I got arepas for all my breakfast :D

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Once a kid, always a kid?

At least for me

Yesterday was somewhat memorable for many things, however I will just point one.
I still see it as a good thing, but what would you guys say?
Shopping at Walmart, after finding out I'm joined by 20 year old grad students ,undergrad age but still really nice people, I'm handed out a children's book as she says "For you"

An undergrad age handing ME a children book.

I can not help but feel flattered :P, I like to keep a child spirit, though I accept I sometimes just go into childish behavior and I don't know where to stop.
So, when have I gone too far?
Is there really a time where I should stop wearing the SUNRISE T-shirts and go with the neck and tie outfit?

EWW, I hope not.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Yesterday was one unusual day as I was forced to socialize since people kept telling me that is better to study in groups.
So in need of a good grade I went ahead with the awkward plan of mingle with total strangers and then ask "So who is going to explain me everything I don't understand?"

Anyways after some hours of study, someone felt comfortable enough to ask me the question that probably everyone that know where I'm from, might have in their heads.

"So, do you know any drug-dealers?"
A little surprised by the question, but I didn't saw any malice in her face, it was just an honest curiosity, so I answer as honest as I could
"No... that I know of, you never know"

Faces on the rest would make it seem that everything was going to be weird now, so one friend of her immediately ask her in a sarcastic tone "Why, do you need a fix?" And then on we kept joking about it and all was normal.

Still, I was amazed at the honesty, and actually was somewhat easier for me to talk about it, now that I knew what the other person truly thought.