Monday, August 21, 2006

My schedule

Awfull isn't it?

May I remind you that everything in grey is understood as lab rotation :P

I was kinda happy how it is, though I still have to see if it brakes in half my work in the lab.

I'll let you know soon... or later... maybe later.


styx said...

you can study in the mornings, then go to classes and after 1.30 until night stay in a lab :-P
So you aretaking Biochemistry, Biology and what else?

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

ANSC is population genetics... apparently it will require TONS of statistic knowledge... so I"m going to need help.

which remindms me... I should be heading to class.

OH, and problem is that while I'm new, I can not stay in the lab alone, so probably I'll have to go in the morning, go to class, then back to the lab finish, and study when I can not be in the lab.