Friday, July 18, 2008

Turtle Race? Grad School Race?

Slow but steady?
Why is it that a small success, a turtle step closer to my goal, puts me a bit at ease at the incoming Prelim in 2 weeks?

Today was a busy day, started with lab meeting at 8am
Followed by tissue immunohistochemistry
Continue with Cell culture plating for our new imaging system collaborator.
very VERY brief lunch
Supervised one of the kids doing RNA extract and cDNA preparation.
Finally prepare the media for MY experiment (yes, none of the previous one relates to my projects)

And when I was done I said to myself. "Thats it, today I write a good amount for my prelim" Never actually set the record straight on what a good amount was, but the thing is, while trying to rewrite my Abstract... I found a commentary that it is going to be my copy paste for the introduction. It has already some nice graphs that I can modify to put it in my proposed model.

I didn't wrote much but for some reason I feel this little finding as an excuse to tell my self "I've moved forward, for today it is ok, now lets go have some dinner"
No sense of guilt is with me while I procrastinate now making this post AND getting ready to go home.
Why is that?

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