Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Sinestro Corps War

The "sneaky" BIG event of DC comics this year, as the REAL BIG event was suppose to be Final Crisis, which so far never got any great reviews.

Anyways, I got the Corpse War in an impulsive act after one of my "no-particular-reason" stop in Borders. After all... what is ~$40 after spending more on a date/night that lead only to friendships ... again... but getting of topic.

I'm here to tell you that I enjoyed this comic book, though was almost pushed away from it at the beginning as this post will cover and a later one will cover the goodies.

Although I would like to think I know a good share of the DC universe, this comic really challenged it. I did expect it, like it happen on Infinite Crisis, however Infinite Crisis in its core books was relatively good at explaining why the incidents that were taking place were happening, however, whoever edited the Hardcover collection for The Sinestro Corps event, really assumed Green Lantern Mythos nerd would pick it up.

During the entire first book we are jumping from a big battle to the next one with almost no direction of what has come to generate this encounters... and "Oh my god" do they really expect me to just swallow that Sinestro has all this power and allies all of a sudden with little explanation whatsoever? This is the Hardcover ... I know they want me to go running buy more tie-in books, but they should do it cause I want to know more of the details or particular situations/battles/character etc of the story, not because I HAVE TO HAVE THEM TO UNDERSTAND THE BASICS OF IT.

Now that thats out, this was the main issues with the first volume of the Hardcover, there is no much intro, you are just thrown into the big battle assuming that you know all the previous drama Hal Jordan has gone with the Corpse and that several of the most powerful evil guys in the DC Universe have mysteriously joined forces.

I'm going to also pick on the artist.
There was a clear intention to show this is war, so it is going to be chaotic and bloody, but I'm not sure if its my Rome Total War influence or what, but just having pages after pages of random people mutilating random people was not really adding much to the sens of war. I'm not sure why, it will probably be just me, but I like it more when you can properly tell how is the battle ensuing, like a well trained legion!

But, this was a necessary evil, because the second volume is totally worth it and I will tell you why... on a later post. :P

See ya then

1 comment:

styx said...

ah no! don't tell me more, this book is in my amazon list (hint hint). I must read it before reading more of your posts!!