Monday, May 07, 2007

Once more into the bridge my friends

Haha, so we meat again giant bean

K, but I just wasted the morning doing boring paperwork...

Lets do something I can not do anywhere else but here

Something Original

Worthy of a LOOOONG trip here

An act that says....
oh wait look, a comicbook store

sigh. They don't have Nightwing annual 2... guess I'll never know why he didn't marry Oracle after all.

OK, little time left, lets go to the sears tower, it is a weekday so it must be empty


hour later

Oh well... time to go home
I take the 5pm train, I shall be there by 9ish

turns out this pic is taken at 12 midnight...

Cargo trains get priority over passangers, Amtrak gets to sue the railroad owners but the small fine they pay is nothing compare to whatever they make by making pass tons of cargo trains before us.
The free market has spoken and they prefer overstock walmarts than strangers getting home on time.
People could rise and be heard by their congressmen ... but people have gone lazy, complaisant.
And the new French president is not a socialist :(


A Fly on the Wall said...

Oh such a nice post!! I loved it :-)
so you spent the day in chicago did you? is it only a train ride away?

I agree about the new french president, being pro-american and all, but my husband tells me he might actually be good. lets see.

See you soooooooooon!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.