Friday, May 25, 2007

Vandalism :(

Guess I'm not as unlucky as stynky who got his bike stolen... but... why the hell would someone do that to my bike?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!
There are not even that many undergrads around, so I'm assuming its not drunken fraternity kids act.

What the hell happen?


styx said...

Vandalism? Maybe a Car? Hmm. Was it done during the night?

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

Yeah, at night... but a CAR?!?! LOOK!!! Its locked were people walk...

Shawna said...

I see that on bikes in Berkeley all the time - I think it's just willful damaging but I have no idea why. I'm so sorry it happened to you!!

juanton said...

Yeah, I've seen that here too. Sucks. Those bastards. At least they didn't vandalize you!