Tuesday, October 07, 2008


How come there is no official webstite?!?!
Another game to be added to the list of "If I had a Wii".

If you have an extra 30mins to remember the good old punch out days, here is an amazing youtube video:


styx said...

What other games you have in the list of "If I had a Wii"?

I'm telling you, Buzz TV should do the trick :-P

Kanmi the Conqueror said...

All sonic games.
All party games.
That Rayman game that came with the first set of games.
The Spielberg game.
No more heroes.

and uhm, I'll think of some more.

Buzz TV? The Buzz:Quiz TV for PS3?
why so interested in that one?
I thought you should be going for Little Big Planet.

styx said...

Yes yes, little big planet too, but I think Buzz is extremely underrated. I think this would be a system seller for me :-P

styx said...

another reason to support LBP
