Monday, April 30, 2007

Stop the Slaughter in Warcraft.

Someone that has finaly organized a group to protect this beloved defensless creatures.
I'm actually thinking of buying one of his T-shirts... seriously, I was against killing boars at the beginning... I grew cold hearted afterwards :(
I need to mend my mistakes

Sell out U

This pops up using one of the University resources... and I've tried, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla and Safari. They all passed the tests except for one thing.... the browser check... guess which one is the one that passes the test :P

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Definetly xkcd its me

Look at his latest comic

And there are SOOO Many where I've feel just like his comics.
I just needed to say it... dunno why :P

Friday, April 20, 2007

Back to comics

Now that it seems I have secured a lab in which to procrastinate the next years of my life, I can come back to serious geek matters.

Superheroes time :D They are SOOO COOL, I mean, now that they have learned from Anime battles, we get stuff like this video I can't stop watching.


Now lets move to THE FLASH... an overlook hero now a days.

OH Batman is so sweet... his strenght is laughable compare to the rest, but still he tries.

Flash has so much untap power... I mean imagine something hitting you at the SPEED OF TIME

OK all this to ask you guys.

A) Should I buy Civil War?
I dunno if stynky ever finish it...but even If I have spoil myself the ending, I know the writer Mark Millar does a great job on writing around political subjects. I'm kind of intrigue how it develop to the end we even heard on the Colber't report.
B) Should I buy WORLD WAR III ?
Not as big event as Civil War or as last year Infinite crisis. But ... uhm.... see the title of the comic?? That should be enough.
However only in one of the four book, do they explain why did aquaman went through so DRASTIC changes.

So what shall I go for?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Choosing a LAB

To join, or to drop out of Purdue... that is the question.

After 4 rotation, I'm like "mhe... sure I guess I could work on either research for my next # years" (# cause... u know :P)

So first runner up
Sophie's LAB

Organized, has graduated 3 students all ready, 2 went post-doc, one went industry.
Connections in Berkeley, collaborations with Comparative Oncology Program in PURDUE (One that looks to cure cancer in dogs and humans :D)
Only lab with a Post-doc
Lab will be very international (China, Japan, India, France)
Has all ready told me won a grant to support me for 3 years.
Lab safety FREAK... I can't walk in with a bottle of water, have to wear coat all time, and seems she can get pretty angry at times :(
After summer when Lesly leaves... gonna be an all guys lab :(

Second Runner up
Claudio's Lab
New lab... according to stynky, that means I'll get push to work hard
The guy has read the Dark Knight Returns. running out of things... guess the fact that has new equipment should count, cooler than developing films old school.
New lab... dunno if he graduates people in time.
Lab mate kind of arrogant.
Funding seems not certain.

Third runner up
Dr Harrison's LAB
She is SOO NICE, she reminds me of my grandmother.
and thats about it... the lab is so old, she doesn't know much whats going with her students, the only one that I saw was advancing on her project is an UBERNERD... you would be by yourself in that lab... I still need help, not that independent.
Also lost technician recently :(

Dr Muhammed Lab
Coolest lab mates of my rotations (NO, they are no geeks... I'm in biology remember?) But still really crazy and nice.
The fancy equipment they have I had to learn how to use it by calling the company...she didn't know how to work with something her lab promotes is their expertise ... kinda dissapointing.
At the beginning she had student waste their time in a useless endevour
Promise a raised to a technician which she never got. They still seem to get along, but there is tension, I feel it.

So you see... That is what I came up with for now, I'll see if something new worth mentioning comes up... so the First lab seems the best.
Any questions?

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Another awesome discovery from my bro

Since I have doubts in Landcape and vacations, I repeated it and the result is in my spanish blog. Both are kinda accurate

Friday, April 06, 2007

Just digging for the pic

This story is on digg

Would be cool to work on that, dunno much about it, but the pic is too cute. So I'm posting it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Leading the invisible war

Now we all know how PURDUE pretty much is DaBest University in the states. midwest area Proof of that is there recent news about achieving invisibility
We are even on digg

I know the image has little to do with this, but still... Deus Ex ....