First I don't want to keep paying monthly fee, I never had to do so for Diablo and original Warcrafts.
Second I have to show stynky that I'm unable to get an A on Cancer biology because it seems I reach my intellect threshold rather than too much WoW.
so it is cancelled. I dunno If i haven't cancelled too many things in
life, but see the picture? I was kind of amazed how much they taunt you
to stay.
-Peon Cry
-They ask u why u leave, and give u a way to stay (In my case I said too
expensive, and went on to write to them as they suggested in the
cancelling section. They haven't replied with the so call alternative
forms of payment... so much for customer care)
-And u don't see it in the pic, but below there were some characters with the begging animation.
I still be posting about Wow untill the 27 when my account expires.
On other worthy notes:
Lord Henry went on and state the truth once more so bluntly.
"A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her"
and there was another quote i liked but have forgotten.
Had forgotten about Justice the comic book, saw that I was missing two issues and bought it... trully old school good vs evil battleroyal where evil makes stupid choices when they could be winning... but still nice art :P
Anyways it ends... for now, I still have to use your game card :P