Not much to update this days, as is common knowledge there is never anything going on in Lafayette.
But uhm... waiting for the UV lights in my hood so lets see what I can tell you.
So I went and watch Ironman, and even if the actions scenes are few and far between; I liked it.
Totally my inner child talking about this, since the only reason I have to like, is cause how cool it was to imagine myself doing what he was doing...and what do superheroes do? .... kick some butt of evil guys, and not the "grey" evil with an ideology or some fancy new evil of these days. Just pure "I'm a mass child murderer" evil.
So simple, but effective, I liked it.
Maybe I'll repeat it when my dad comes... cause seriously... what else is there to do around here? Any ideas?
The latest big thing in here was the opening of a brand new Noodles & Co. Which a) Allows for some easy "Hey they open this new place... wanna go try it sometime?" invitations, and b) well... I really really like it.
I remember the on in MD where they would serve me another plate if I didn't finish or dislike mine... but I could never ask for another one cause I always finish it >.<
I'm actually becoming a Noodles & Co junky. I go now to dinner there almost every day.
It is really a fresh new flavor to the few choices in here.
There are so few... I almost want to start cooking :P ... "almost"
Oh wells... I can't even find a good game news to blog about.
SO I leave for now.
EXP Podcast #763: Secret Level Debrief
*A mega boy becomes a mega man*What with the hectic holiday season and all
the game of the year madness, we were so busy talking about games that we
2 weeks ago