Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dunno, just random stuff

So I could say I was busy in finals, but that lie won't be believed by anyone.

I did wanted to post about a firealarm that went at 1am in my residence... no kidding, seriously, false alarm, but DAMN was that cold.
I asked a guy that had a camera to send me a pic he took of bunch of people freezing waiting outside our building, but pics never arrived, so I didnt blog about it.
Though IM doing it now, aren't I?

Well, you can imagine how fun was that.

On other ODD news... what the h is this?

Endgadget was recommending it as a mom holiday gift for the seriously disturbing moms.

Which brings me too... I have no gifts for anyone. So you guys better tell me when Im there.

Sunday, December 03, 2006