OK, so lets try to wrap up.
We arrive at the reception, time to hit the buffet, drinks and try to dance with full stomachs.
First thing to get the attention, was the Sofreh Aghd, which we can see in the following picture, and the explanation
hereSince I'm writing this almost 2 weeks after the event, I'm forgetting the order of things, so I will move to mention the toast of my cousin Charles III a.k.a. Charlito
His speech was so nice and funny, no one dare to follow him. At every single moment people were laughing and he took some of the spotlight from the couple.
After that it was dinner time, and what I would like to mention here is, how the tables had those ... Forgot how you call them... But you can make soap bubbles from it. It was really fun, and made for a pretty magical moment, as Pamela and Jill are showing.
Now then something which I had objected, was announced.
Since Gelareh would only used that dress once, I think it was her uncle, who came with the idea that the dress could be signed by everyone at the reception.
According to my bro who saw the faces of everyone when it was announced, more than one look to each other in disbelief. But as soon as some people started signing, it was non-stop signing all night.
The idea was so appealing to me in the end, that I signed three times, one in english, farsi, and Espanich.
Gelareh somehow manage to start dancing while there was still people signing her dress. It was a lot of fun.
Now I hope you guys remember that one of the things I was supposed to do, was the turn off the music and kick everyone out. However, someone did that for me. I really didn't wanted the reception to end... and so did a bunch of my brothers friends.
Since the music wasn't coming back up, and the ...uhm... older generation, decided to head back home. A group of people, lead by Ricardo, went to continue the party until 4:00 a.m at his house.
At some point the party had a hint of baccalaureate party, but all that is worth mentioning is that women don't tip that well.
It was a nice way to end this amazing weekend. I wish it could be repeated, but Alvaro didn't threw the band to see who was going to marry next.
Oh well, good luck to you guys, seems you are prepared for what comes next right?